Mental Health and the School-to-Prison Pipeline
Blackfishing, and Its Consequences for Black Communities
Colorism, A Different Kind of Racism
A Quick Overview of Systemic Racism in America
Plant-Based Diets: Can They Improve Mental Health?
Vegetarians and vegans have long stressed the many benefits of a plant-based diet, emphasizing how it can lower blood pressure, contribute to weight loss, prevent diabetes, amongst other things. But do the benefits of plant-based diets exceed just physical benefits?
Healthcare and its Troubles for People of Color
Can Plant Protein Aid in Building Muscle?
When protein comes up, people usually think of meat: beef, pork, chicken, and sometimes fish. Rarely do people realize that protein power is packed inside of plants. Although plants like beans, legumes, and nuts may be packed with protein, fitness gurus and trainees are hesitant to replace animal-based proteins with plants when it comes to building muscle.
Do plant-based protein sources aid muscle building as much as animal-based alternatives?
Language Barriers and Healthcare
This is an issue that impacts the Latinx community hard. Due to many immigrants often having low English proficiency (LEP), the Spanish-English barrier adds complication to healthcare.
A Latinx Perspective on Health and Wellness
Why is it that nearly forty percent of Latinxs either do not have a physician or have not seen one in the last year? Why are people of Latinx descent less likely to seek healthcare, even when needed? Why does the Latinx community turn to herbal remedies like botánicas before seeking out primary care? And why, when given the chance to sign up for affordable healthcare under the Affordable Care Act, did so many Latinxs forego the opportunity?
Plant Protein or Animal Protein: Quality & Balance
Many people wonder and debate about how best to get protein in their diet. Some often say that meat is the only way to fully get the protein you need, but others rely more on plants to give them protein. Is one really better than the other? What should we be eating to get our protein?